"Hometown Life" on Art Paper
"Hometown Life" is a graphite medium. Originally created by artist (in 2021) to capture the hard working life of her small town. Artist: Kara Halvorson, out of Culbertson, Montana.
The original was donated to an aution for the local hospital to help gain funds for kitchen renovations. Purchased by a local and given to their daughter to hang in their newly purchased house in Flordia, as they were decorating one of the bedrooms in their new house with things from their hometown / homestate.
Only Prints available.
"Hometown Life" is a graphite medium. Originally created by artist (in 2021) to capture the hard working life of her small town. Artist: Kara Halvorson, out of Culbertson, Montana.
No Returns are available for any artwork or customized work.
Prefer local pickup. Will ship artwork. Prices vary depending on size and weight of custom orders. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery for order prints.